Wink is the JAX-RS implementation from Apache. I have never used it in a real-life project, but I thought it would be a good idea to create a small, dummy example as I did with RESTEasy and Jersey before just to see how easy/hard it is to get started with it.
Comments closedMonth: May 2014
Previously I have published a small example of a RESTful Web Service in Java using RESTEasy and JBoss. Today I have created another example, which uses Jersey and may be deployed on Tomcat…
Comments closedImplementing RESTful services in PHP or Ruby was very easy, I love its simplicity compared to SOAP. But implementing a RESTful service for the first time in Java has caused me a bit of a headache. In the beginning I was quite confused when it came to JAX-RS specification and the different implementations (Jersey, RESTEasy, …), but then it’s so easy, I don’t know why I have wasted so much time figuring out what I needed…
Comments closedI have been hosting my websites at Hostgator for more than 4 years, the first invoice being paid at 2010.02.10. In the beginning it was OK, it was my first paid hosting and I was very happy that I didn’t have ads above my website placed inside an ugly iframe by the hosting company that provided free web hosting…
Comments closedUsually when a developer has nothing to do for a while and becomes bored of reading/watching videos and there is nothing to do outside due to bad weather, eventually some idea will pop in his head. Now the chance that this idea is related to his work is quite high…
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