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Month: May 2014

Simple JAX-RS Web Service on JBoss (RESTEasy)

Implementing RESTful services in PHP or Ruby was very easy, I love its simplicity compared to SOAP. But implementing a RESTful service for the first time in Java has caused me a bit of a headache. In the beginning I was quite confused when it came to JAX-RS specification and the different implementations (Jersey, RESTEasy, …), but then it’s so easy, I don’t know why I have wasted so much time figuring out what I needed…

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Bye, bye Hostgator!

I have been hosting my websites at Hostgator for more than 4 years, the first invoice being paid at 2010.02.10. In the beginning it was OK, it was my first paid hosting and I was very happy that I didn’t have ads above my website placed inside an ugly iframe by the hosting company that provided free web hosting…

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