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Month: October 2016

Your car is not an investment!

I’ve pretty much learned my lesson about depreciation with my first car. I’ve bought it new and after 6 years I donated it to my father, mostly because it lacked AC and engine power. Because it was an affordable cheap car, I gave it everything to keep it in tip-top condition, but didn’t “invest” in improvements. I didn’t track every penny spent on that car, but the values returned by the Car Running Costs Calculator alone hurt. A lot.

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Thoughts on success

I remember having a discussion during some course a while ago about success. We were presented pictures of actors, singers, some fancy building of a bank, expensive sport cars and a huge mansion with an enormous garden and swimming pool and we had to chose from the pictures what meant success for us.

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Running costs of the Devil

Below you may find all the costs of my current car, a 2011 Renault Megane Sport Tourer BOSE Edition with the famous 1.5 dci engine. I’m trying to log everything, even the tips I give after getting it washed. The only expenses missing from this are my time spent getting it to a service, and my transportation costs if I need to leave it there for a few hours and I need to get back to my workplace in the meantime.

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