Until now all I had to generate form Maven was either a JAR file, or a WAR for web apps or EAR for enterprise applications. But this week I got a new task: I had to export the frontend (HTML, CSS, JS and all other assets, like images, etc) of the web application I am working on in a zip archive. I could have done this from /bin/bash, as I am already running some command line statements to run webpack and compile my React JS project, but I already output two EAR files based on the same frontend during Maven build, so I thought it would be more elegant to generate the 3rd output from Maven as well, despite it being a simple zip archive.
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WebSocket is a communication protocol providing a bi-directional communication channel between client and server. It allows us to directly send a message to the clients whenever something changes on the server side and we want all clients to be notified. Let’s see the skeleton for a simple WebSocket example in Java.
Comments closedWink is the JAX-RS implementation from Apache. I have never used it in a real-life project, but I thought it would be a good idea to create a small, dummy example as I did with RESTEasy and Jersey before just to see how easy/hard it is to get started with it.
Comments closedPreviously I have published a small example of a RESTful Web Service in Java using RESTEasy and JBoss. Today I have created another example, which uses Jersey and may be deployed on Tomcat…
Comments closedImplementing RESTful services in PHP or Ruby was very easy, I love its simplicity compared to SOAP. But implementing a RESTful service for the first time in Java has caused me a bit of a headache. In the beginning I was quite confused when it came to JAX-RS specification and the different implementations (Jersey, RESTEasy, …), but then it’s so easy, I don’t know why I have wasted so much time figuring out what I needed…
Comments closedIn EXT JS 4 there still is a chance to pass only the fields and data directly to the DataStore when you construct it, instead of passing a model. Ext JS is then creating an internal model from the fields passed. Now, the problem is that Ext JS is going to append an identifier field ‘id’, if there is no field given with that name. If our identifier field has other name, like ‘customID’, then it causes a lot of trouble when it comes to getting the record with a given identifier (getById). Unfortunately there is no way to specify which field we’d like to use as identifier in this case.
Comments closedA few days ago I had a challenging task in Java: I had to add a custom header to my SOAP request using Axis 2. But the custom header had to be passed as a HTTP header, not in the SOAP Envelope, since it was used by a Filter and it had nothing to do with the rest of the request. The Filter simply gets a ServletRequest, gets the extra parameter from the HTTP header and does something with it, without having to parse the SOAP Envelope. It’s not that hard to do, there is documentation on this issue, but because there can hardly be found a good example, one may waste several hours trying different solutions.
Comments closedToday I have bumped into a small problem while developing a project using ASP.NET MVC 3: I had to bind the contents of an XML file to a DropDownList control, but for some reasons I was forced to do everything in the View part. Here’s how I solved it, hope it helps…
Comments closedLast week I have bumped into a small problem that caused me a few hours head ache… I had a desktop application written in Adobe AIR and a server offering web services in PHP. The users of the desktop application could log in and their session variables had to be stored on the server. The only data the desktop application stored was the session ID returned by the web service after logging in.
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