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Tag: Maven

Create a zip/tar/tar.gz/tar.bz2 archive with Maven

Until now all I had to generate form Maven was either a JAR file, or a WAR for web apps or EAR for enterprise applications. But this week I got a new task: I had to export the frontend (HTML, CSS, JS and all other assets, like images, etc) of the web application I am working on in a zip archive. I could have done this from /bin/bash, as I am already running some command line statements to run webpack and compile my React JS project, but I already output two EAR files based on the same frontend during Maven build, so I thought it would be more elegant to generate the 3rd output from Maven as well, despite it being a simple zip archive.

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Using Cucumber in Java unit testing

While working in Ruby at my previous workplace we were required to write unit tests using RSpec and end-to-end tests using Cucumber and Watir webdriver. I wasn’t a big fan nor am I today of writing tests, but for some reason I just loved Cucumber. We wrote them together with the members of the QA and it was fun, because we both were thinking about all the possible cases to test and not about the way the tests were going to be implemented. Furthermore, it was clear for everybody what I wanted to test, as the scenarios were written in natural language.

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